Its the second biggest shopping day of the year...I'm couchbound today...Have Fun!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Rejection...It is what it is....
This is to those females / males who just don’t take NO for an answer. You know, after you make it very clear you don’t want to be with them anymore, or that you aren’t interested at all YES those people. This is life, and in life not everyone is going to like you nor going to want to be with you , you just have to roll with the punches and keep moving on with your life until you find someone that is just as into you as you are to them. But nowadays people will do anything to keep people around ...
Rejection isn’t anything new and you just are going to have to learn to deal with it. When its over, you have to be able towalk away with dignity, but some take it to a whole nother level though. Repeated text, tweets, emails, phone calls, face book messages, bbms, im's, showing up randomly at the crib, ETC. You may not be cute enough, you just might not be that person’s type. So what, build a bridge and get the fuck over it. The earth will not stop revolving and your life will not come to a halt. Often people will go to desperate measures to keep the person they want around. This can range from trapping a man with a baby, to stalking a woman and trying to fight off anyone else that might be attracted to her. What you fail to realize is that you can not make someone love you nor want to be with you. If they want you, they want you. If they don’t they don’t and IT IS THAT SIMPLE. No extras needed. Stop with the thirst and desperation, you shouldn’t want someone that you have to beg to be with or you have to acquire with either manipulation or deception. Because then they are not truly wanting you for you, but what you have created (although some of you crazy bitches are fine with this) Learn to concentrate on what makes you happy, and find strength and confidence and content in yourself and your own life, others will be attracted to you, and when you least expect it, that special person will come into your life.
Rejection isn’t anything new and you just are going to have to learn to deal with it. When its over, you have to be able towalk away with dignity, but some take it to a whole nother level though. Repeated text, tweets, emails, phone calls, face book messages, bbms, im's, showing up randomly at the crib, ETC. You may not be cute enough, you just might not be that person’s type. So what, build a bridge and get the fuck over it. The earth will not stop revolving and your life will not come to a halt. Often people will go to desperate measures to keep the person they want around. This can range from trapping a man with a baby, to stalking a woman and trying to fight off anyone else that might be attracted to her. What you fail to realize is that you can not make someone love you nor want to be with you. If they want you, they want you. If they don’t they don’t and IT IS THAT SIMPLE. No extras needed. Stop with the thirst and desperation, you shouldn’t want someone that you have to beg to be with or you have to acquire with either manipulation or deception. Because then they are not truly wanting you for you, but what you have created (although some of you crazy bitches are fine with this) Learn to concentrate on what makes you happy, and find strength and confidence and content in yourself and your own life, others will be attracted to you, and when you least expect it, that special person will come into your life.
We all have done this at one point or another. We may have stopped doing it but we know that no matter no one is innocent... Girls.... Many dudes are to prideful to say they got played. There are some girls that got game and that’s what some guys have to understand. She knew she had him when she called at 5 in the am and he answered or when he drove all the way across town to buy her some McDonalds when she was hungry. Your gratitude will be taken advantage of if given to the wrong person. Dudes think just cause he the only dude not playin his girl that she on the same shit. There's over a P chance that while she texting you all day someone else is texting her and of course she texting him right back telling you they just friends. What about guys though?... Sorry men but we are far from innocent when it comes to manipulation. We go out and find these girls years younger than us and teach them the way we want to be treated and how we think they should act. We even go as far as saying that we don't talk to any other girls knowin that "good morning" text we sent the main this morning was also sent to all the other sidelines that have no meaning in our life. Some guys, not saying all of them, have come so accustomed with telling these girls that they love them knowing it will more than likely lead to them gettin some easy ass only to leave the girl heartbroken and a state of depression after we have become bored. It's sad really but that's just how things are and it seems like none of that will be changing anytime soon. Resolution? If I knew how to avoid problems like this I wouldn’t be making this post. It’s happened to me so much that I think there really isn’t a way out of it. Throughout life we will go through these things but who cares... be your fuckin self and live your life. No matter how to your treated you will be the only one who determines who you will be at the end of the day.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Women & Male Friends.....

To every guy reading this I encourage you to share this piece with your homeboys. You might already be up on game, but if your not keep reading. To the ladies reading this I hope you learn something from this piece also. Im gonna touch on all aspects of the "male friends" concept, while revealing a few secrets on why so many guys play along with this GAME. Secrets that a lot of women obviously DONT know...and some secrets that a lot of women DONT want you to know...
Now if you already turning your nose up reading this I dont know whether to feel sorry for you for being so damn stubborn and blind to the obvious truth, or to laugh at you for allowing a woman to brainwash you into believing she REALLY has "male friends". This is why you need to keep reading. You obviously havent studied or mastered the game, neither have you realized you been getting played like a SUCKA for a long time now. To the fellas who play along with the "male friend" game, hats off to you, ONLY if you make it work to your advantage...but for the chumps who believe women have "male friends" for the sole purpose of true benevolence and nothing more, you need to read this piece 100 times a day until you memorize what Im about to teach you.
I'm sure you met plenty of women who either said all of her male friends are guys she "grew up with", or "known since high school", or how they are "like brothers", and a bunch of other reasons right? And just like a moron, you BELIEVED her. This is where ALL men mess up. We must realize that women will ALWAYS be more clever than men. Why? Because women are MASTERS OF ILLUSION. Why you think its so hard to catch a woman cheating? Or lying? Or playing you? Think about it. The same goes for these so called "male friends" . Dont be stupid. Use common sense. What do you think she REALLY has "male friends" for? To play basketball with? To go shopping for lingerie with? To watch football with? Cmon son. You been getting PLAYED.
Heres the REAL truth...
Theres only 3 types of dudes women keep around...
Clutch buddies, Fuck buddies, and ATM buddies...
I will break down all three for you...
1.) THE CLUTCH BUDDY (attention giver)
The guy who hangs out with her from time to time, she tells you her problems, she calls or texts you to see "what you doing". She lets you believe shes waiting for the right one, she gives you the window of opportunity by telling you she likes to "take things slow" and "get to know someone first before jumping into a relationship". This is PURE GAME bruh. She telling you all that so you can chase her. In other words, give her ATTENTION. As far as her being your "friend", do you think she REALLY cares about how your day is going? Or your feelings? She might. But she REALLY only calls you when shes BORED dude. Simple as that. She will add you to her list of "attention givers" and call or text you because she know she can get your attention when she wants it. Women LOVE to feel important, and the "clutch" buddy: meaning "guy she can always turn to for an ego boost" is always there to gas her up. Either by reminding her shes beautiful, or boosting her self esteem by taking her out, or listening to her vent when her boyfriend is treating her wrong, or by simply answering her phone calls when she "needs someone to talk to". the "clutch" buddy is always right there.
Now this is where it gets tricky...a LOT of men already know this, and they use it to they advantage. For example: a guy who knows the game will play along and ACT like hes really trying to be her "friend", but hes really using her to get attention from OTHER women. How? If a guy walks into a restaurant, bar, club, or any public place with a nice looking woman...or two...or three...all the women around will think hes intriguing because he has a nice looking woman or a few nice looking women around him. Women are honestly intimidated by other attractive women. Why do you think they compete so hard to stand out amongst other women? Another example is a guy who will have "FEmale friends" for the benefit of getting with one of HER friends, or even getting advice on HOW to get with one of her friends...or better yet HER. But she so busy thinking hes trying to be her "homeboy" she dont even know shes being GAMED. The guy who knows most of her deepest thoughts and secrets is usually the guy she ends up marrying...or fucking. Like all women say: "gotta be friends first" right? Now this leads to the next type of "male friend" she keeps around...
2.) THE FUCK BUDDY (a.k.a. her "best friend")
You probably either played this role, or been PLAYED by this role. Women will tell you anything if you let her. When she says "hes like my brother, we known each other for years" do you REALLY believe that this guy just appeared in her life and NEVER got a piece of that ass? Cmon son. Open your eyes. How many times have YOU smashed a chick who has a boyfriend or a fiance, or a husband?...and if her man asks her about YOU what do you think she tells him? The SAME thing she told YOU about that OTHER mysterious guy who be calling her. The cool thing about this is that both sides usually know the deal, so in the end theres no feelings hurt. Only a fool will consider wifing a chick who lets a guy smash casually. You think she wont play you for a SMOOTHER guy who has MORE money and more status than you? WAKE UP!!!! If you get the benefit of sexing a chick without having to commit thats like being selected to win a free Ferrari via email. Its some BULLSHIT. Hit it once and keep it moving. Thats how real "playas" do right? WRONG. Most dudes keep smashing a "jumpoff" until he gets her knocked up, or caught up in some petty drama, or until he loses his respect or luster from her and gets dropped. YOU as the man have to ALWAYS drop the chick. Dont EVER get dropped. EVER. Hit it once and keep it moving. ALWAYS. Now if you do decide to go against the grain, do NOT hook up and smash more than 3 times. After the 3rd time she becomes your GIRLFRIEND. As well as a clingy nuisance you dont need or want. Im telling you. She will get attached after that 3rd time.
3.) THE ATM BUDDY (the one with "stacks on deck")
Almost every woman who is physically attractive (not you boo boo please sit down. thanks) always have a guy around who dont mind spending a little cash for her entertainment. Whether its to go hang out, go out to eat, catch a movie, go clubbing together, shopping...hell even exquisite trips and cruises. Some guys just got cash flow like that, and he might not mind spending on a woman. These are the ULTIMATE suckas to women...a woman MIGHT let the dude smash, but usually she leads him on to thinking he has a chance with her in the near future, so she might seduce him by telling him what he wants to hear, or by even giving him some becky in the front seat of his beamer, benz, or bentley, but in the end...she gets what SHE wants. MONEY and ATTENTION.
Now...if you cant see by now that you been either getting played, or simply playing yourself, then you need to go and re-read this piece another 100 times. If you dealing with a woman who claims to have "male friends" remember what I told you: WOMEN DONT HAVE MALE FRIENDS, ONLY CLUTCH BUDDIES, FUCK BUDDIES, AND ATM BUDDIES!!!!
Which one are YOU?
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Anger....R u serious?
So....Im laying in the bed....just took my morning shower and while I'm in the shower, I realized that maybe I should be more nonchalant, I allow my emotions to get the best of me in every single situation. Fuck that. Twitter urked my fucking nerves yesterday. Like usually its fun but yesterday I allowed 2 hoodrat chicks to get under my skin...I'm done with that...This one chick acts like she knows Anyway....I'm done with that.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Did Rape make her promiscuous?
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Spare the rod......
Help me yall....I love my babies but sometimes I feel like I play the friend roll more than the father role....I'm so scared that they will hate me if I correct their wrong doings. Daitron Jr. is a very good child, he loves me and gets his feelings hurt very easily, which makes it hard for me to effectively correct him, Camryn is a mess, whenever I disipline her she pokes her bottom lip out and I stop in my tracks...and then there is Daiyani...the 7 years old she is the baby of the bunch, if i slightly raise my voice , then the uncontrollable tears soon follow....Please tell me what I can do to ensure they are raised with morals and guidance, but also make them feel loved and comfortable enough for them to talk to me about anything...
Sunday is boring....
So today was boring needless to say, I wasnt in a tweeting mood, now it appears that "mini me" Daitron Jr. has the same little stomach bug that Camryn has...Today we are atmy mom's house for Sunday dinner, she is getting it in today. BTW Camster (Camryn) is feeling alot better now. I decided today that when I move into the house that I'm gonna start breeding Pit Bull puppies, My ex-brother in law does it and seems to be very successful at it...Yall forgive me , I'm just rambling. Just now we watched "Last House on the left" I guess it was fairly good, but I found flaws as usual....Everyone said I should have been a film editor or critic...P.S: Does anyone know when Kandi's show comes on Ustream? I think its called Kandi Koated Nights...welll let me know, just comment below.
"Why they all in my bizness?"
Hey yall...Another "WTF" moment....I am going though lots of life the moment I am single but....I know who I am gonna be with soon, and one day marry, but I can't deal with people's ASSumptions. I am happy, the woman I spend time with makes me happy and not to mention she makes me complete. So...the bullshit that people are talking about is super wack, I'm sure you all agree with me. I hate that shit. I kinda have an idea who is behind this shit....but oh well, she just got issues. LOL....yall follow me on twitter @PleaseStopDeezy
Camster (Camryn) is sick....
My little munchkin is still not feeling well today...She has a stomach virus that I'm praying I dont get....just now she threw up her Hawaiian Punch....she cant even keep fluids down....I think its time for a visit to the pediatrician....She couldnt even go to church with me today......Well, I love her and I hope she gets better.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
You all have at some point felt the need to fuck someone's life up, because thats what u felt happened to ex, boss or friend or shall we say ex-friend...well ask urself...What did u do to deserve being hurt...was it karma? Well its fair to say, When u get even with someone, u lose all power...Karma is always there...what goes around comes around...Let it happen naturally. How do u get revenge...better yet, how do your get revenge on the last person who fucked u over.....Explain below. Follow me on twitter @PleaseStopDeezy
Splittsville instead of twitterville...
Monica and Rocko have officially called it quits...appearantly because he been gettin kat elsewhere, its kinda bad because she is clearly a chick that confuses love with desperation...Rocko was clearly a hood nigga that some say "saw and oppurtunity" with Mo. Well...without speculating ...the only thing I can say is go to Monica's twitter page where she addresses the issue...some say its a marketing ploy....lets wait and see. Also to see all of the ATL stars get exposed follow @JeminiBish on twitter....she is raw and she dont give a
Sushi Night
Last night she bought me some Sushi over.....mmmmm she knows what I like.....Thanks Babe. "Tempura Shrimp Rolls"
My Kids
Hello citizens of DeezyNation ...My kids and I are having our routine movie day, this gives me the oppurtunity to catch up on some reading, clean some junk off of my phone and download some apps. I love this time, almost as good as me I feel sooo good. I hope u all are following me on twitter. we have fun there...
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
I Love Twitter
Yall might think this is a damn joke...but its not....Twitter is taking over my world...what do I do? I have 385 people interested in knowing my every move and they love to hear what I have to say I be off the chain...go to Twitter today and sign up and follow me @DarkKnight421 .
#Deezy Question
Would you rather have True Love with a guaranteed heart break or never fall in love at all in life?
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Oh well, its 2:21am and I'm laying in bed watching CNN and thinking...Life...Is this really it...I will be 30 next month and havent accomplished a single goal. Yes...Lots of Planning, and lots of hoping, but absolutely no action behind my hopes. I am certain that I will be moving to Atlanta this year, but what is going to happen once I get there. I think I need to hire a life coach...someone to help me come up with some type of order. Well give me some advice yall... comment below. Where do I go from here?
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Theif Holds Trina’s cell, Threatens To Leak More Photos...
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Monday, March 1, 2010
It's Official....
Hello All, How have all of u been? Well Im on Twitter now... and might I add that I am becoming an addict.... Feel free to follow me because lots of shit is changing in my life, SINGLE, and now Im just ready to have some fun while keeping you updated on my life, Im also using this new Gtalk thing, please add me... "". IN the past my blog has been pretty boring to be honest but now we are about to make some shit interesting, I am recruiting some new INTERESTING writers. So Because I believe everything from my past made me the man that I am at this point, I wont delete any of my previous post. My last relationship was not as bad as some of you might like to think, so please dont think that it was, BUT the break up, now that was bad, but Im past that point in my life and I am ready to move forward... So join me in this crazy world of mine. In the 2010 year we will be making this site your go to place for pics from parties, After parties and shows and BIG BASHES in Rich-city.... Send me some request via twitter of what u wanna see on my blog, send your pictures that u want posted of nights out on the town.
Kingdom Come
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