Al Qaeda has officially added Presidential elect Barack Obama to its enemies list. In the terrorist group’s first video message to Obama since his election, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Al-Qaeda’s number two, calls Obama a “House Negro” who “claims” to be Christian to be elected to high office. The new video says that because Obama has chosen to support Israel and has threatened to strike Pakistan and send thousands more troops to Afghanistan, he has decided to continue “the crimes of the American crusade.”
This is militant Islam’s version of the welcome mat. And it shows that Al-Qaeda has apparently taken Obama at his word when the president-elect vowed to “defeat” the militant Taliban and organizations like Al Qaeda and hunt down Usama bin Laden.
The 11-minute, 23 second video in Arabic with English subtitles, contrasts what Zawahiri calls “House Negroes” like Obama –- along with Secretaries of State Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell who preceded her –- with Al-Qaeda’s hero – Malcolm X, or Malik al-Shabazz, as the video repeatedly calls him — Obama’s “exact opposite.” In fact, Zawahiri apparently borrowed the term “House Negroes” from Malcolm X. According to the Associated Press, the video includes footage of Malcom X’s speeches in which he argues that black slaves who worked in their white masters’ house were more servile and less confrontational than slaves who worked in the fields.
Zawahiri also says that by choosing to abandon the faith of his Muslim father in favor of Christianity and to continue waging America’s War on Terrorism –- albeit by different methods –- Obama has agreed to “pray the prayer of the Jews.” As such, Zawahiri says, Obama has become “captive” to the “same criminal American mentality towards the world and towards Muslims.”
Source: FOX News
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