Monday, November 24, 2008
Daitron's favorite Colognes!
I am...Sasha Fierce

I Am ... Sasha Fierce,
Beyonce (Sony BMG)
Don't worry. Despite the title of her new album, pop / R&B diva Beyonce isn't really trying to pull a Garth Brooks on us. (Remember the country star's ill-advised attempt to reinvent himself as pop singer Chris Gaines?) Sasha Fierce is merely the name of Beyonce's alter ego -- the strong, sassy character she adopts when she performs onstage. She's the inspiration behind the five club tracks on I Am...Sasha Fierce, including Radio, a choppy synth number, and Video Phone, a lascivious tune with menacing beats. "You say you want me / So press record, I'll let you film me," she dares. The other six songs, according to Beyonce, reveal her true spirit -- tender and vulnerable-- while also offering a few glimpses into her relationship with Jay-Z. "We're always on display / Let's run and hide," she urges on Satellites, a wistful ballad with acoustic guitar and orchestral touches. As much as she tries to bare her soul, Beyonce ends up hiding behind the facades of her contemporaries. Diva is a gritty, tribal jam in the vein of M.I.A. and Lil Wayne, while Halo is a direct descendant of Rihanna's Umbrella--complete with a staccato chorus of "Halo, halo, halo, halo" reminiscent of "Umbrella-ella-ella-ella." Come to think of it, Rihanna's influence is all over I Am...Sasha Fierce. Perhaps Beyonce should consider retitling it.
Friday, November 21, 2008

Answer in Comment section!
OK...So, Let say you are sitting at home looking through some mail, and notice a strange package addressed to you. You open the package, and find a dvd that appears to be home made. You pop it into the dvd player, it is a video of your boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife doing things with someone else. F.Y.I...It's a sex tape! Your mate is having rough and passionate sex with this person, and to add fuel to the fire, the sex appears to be getting more reaction from him/her than you have ever seem them have with you, and the date on the screen was your birthday, while he/she was suposedly working overtime...How do you handle this? Don't be shy...feel free to snap in the comment section. LMAO
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Al Qaeda has officially added Presidential elect Barack Obama to its enemies list. In the terrorist group’s first video message to Obama since his election, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Al-Qaeda’s number two, calls Obama a “House Negro” who “claims” to be Christian to be elected to high office. The new video says that because Obama has chosen to support Israel and has threatened to strike Pakistan and send thousands more troops to Afghanistan, he has decided to continue “the crimes of the American crusade.”
This is militant Islam’s version of the welcome mat. And it shows that Al-Qaeda has apparently taken Obama at his word when the president-elect vowed to “defeat” the militant Taliban and organizations like Al Qaeda and hunt down Usama bin Laden.
The 11-minute, 23 second video in Arabic with English subtitles, contrasts what Zawahiri calls “House Negroes” like Obama –- along with Secretaries of State Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell who preceded her –- with Al-Qaeda’s hero – Malcolm X, or Malik al-Shabazz, as the video repeatedly calls him — Obama’s “exact opposite.” In fact, Zawahiri apparently borrowed the term “House Negroes” from Malcolm X. According to the Associated Press, the video includes footage of Malcom X’s speeches in which he argues that black slaves who worked in their white masters’ house were more servile and less confrontational than slaves who worked in the fields.
Zawahiri also says that by choosing to abandon the faith of his Muslim father in favor of Christianity and to continue waging America’s War on Terrorism –- albeit by different methods –- Obama has agreed to “pray the prayer of the Jews.” As such, Zawahiri says, Obama has become “captive” to the “same criminal American mentality towards the world and towards Muslims.”
Source: FOX News
Power 92 presents.....
Club 321 with Sean & Big Keith
(Friday Club Night 10pm-12am)
1708 E. Main Street
Richmond, VA
Cotton Club with TT Torrez & DJ Lonnie B
(Saturday Club Night 10pm-12am)
112 North 5th Street
Richmond, VA
(Friday Club Night 10pm-12am)
1708 E. Main Street
Richmond, VA
Cotton Club with TT Torrez & DJ Lonnie B
(Saturday Club Night 10pm-12am)
112 North 5th Street
Richmond, VA
Mariah Pregnant?

In Touch magazine actually printed this sentence: "First came marriage — and now comes the baby carriage for Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon." A random source who saw Mariah at the airport says, "Mariah looked great, but she seemed to have put on a few pounds. Maybe she's pregnant — or at least planning on it!"
112's Q. Parker Speaks!!!
According to EURweb.com
*Q. Parker of the group 112 appeared on Atlanta's WVEE-V103 this week to address former member Michael Keith's recent allegation that the group disbanded due to mistrust among the quartet.
Without naming names, Keith told EUR's Lee Bailey that he and Marvin "Slim" Scandrick fell out with another member of the band over a mishandling of funds – which left either Quinnes Parker or Daron Jones as the alleged guilty party.
"I had to leave because I found out that a certain member of the group took my publishing check," Keith told Bailey in October. "It was made clear that it was intended for myself and another member, Slim."
During his interview on WVEE, Q directly addressed Mike's accusation of theft.
"It comes down to something very simple," he said. "As recently as last week we went to court about this very topic and I was exonerated."
"All of the guys from 112 are like my brothers, and I have nothing but love for them," he added. "I may not agree with what Mike is saying, but I respect his right to speak his mind."
As for Mike's statement that he left the group, Q said, "If 112 is broken up, its news to me. We have been doing shows over the last year; as recent as last weekend!"
Added Parker, "I agree with Mike on a lot of the things he says. This group is like a marriage, a family, and when there are problems in the family, you work together to try and resolve that. I wish that was something Mike would do."
*Q. Parker of the group 112 appeared on Atlanta's WVEE-V103 this week to address former member Michael Keith's recent allegation that the group disbanded due to mistrust among the quartet.
Without naming names, Keith told EUR's Lee Bailey that he and Marvin "Slim" Scandrick fell out with another member of the band over a mishandling of funds – which left either Quinnes Parker or Daron Jones as the alleged guilty party.
"I had to leave because I found out that a certain member of the group took my publishing check," Keith told Bailey in October. "It was made clear that it was intended for myself and another member, Slim."
During his interview on WVEE, Q directly addressed Mike's accusation of theft.
"It comes down to something very simple," he said. "As recently as last week we went to court about this very topic and I was exonerated."
"All of the guys from 112 are like my brothers, and I have nothing but love for them," he added. "I may not agree with what Mike is saying, but I respect his right to speak his mind."
As for Mike's statement that he left the group, Q said, "If 112 is broken up, its news to me. We have been doing shows over the last year; as recent as last weekend!"
Added Parker, "I agree with Mike on a lot of the things he says. This group is like a marriage, a family, and when there are problems in the family, you work together to try and resolve that. I wish that was something Mike would do."

OK! First things first...I am Daitron. I am determined to make Richmond the new place to socialize. Think about it, Atlanta has SandraRose.com (I hate the bitch), straightfromthea.com. These are site that are built to keep everyone in the know of whats happening in the industry of entertainment. Well, as many of you know 2009 will be a big year for me and my companies VonSourent Worldwide, Camryn's Locket & http://www.irunthiscity.com/ (Coming Soon). For now we have this temporary site http://www.irunthiscity.blogspot.com/ and I need your support. I will launch this site news beginning on November 30th 2008! Please subscribe today!!! Just to let you know, if there are any celebrity sitings, pull out your digital cameras and email them to me at Daitron@live.com . Just to give you a heads up, I will have an advice column where I will give my personal opinion on your weird issues...LOL! My readers will also have a comment section where they will be able to give you advice also...So send your problems to Daitron@live.com also! Well, I gotta go! Email your friends and tell them to subscribe ASAP!
i run this city
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