INTRODUCING KINLEE for Political Scoop!
So this summer I worked on a national campaign to get new voters registered and in the fall I knocked on doors and made phone calls to get people to vote for President Obama. Great. People working for a cause. Just one problem 95.5% of the people working on this campaign were...White. I mean don't get me wrong, it was a beautiful thing to see White citizens young and old working hard night and day to get the vote out for Obama. What I kept looking for was the Black people, grant it, they were present but the ratio was 20:1, literally. This was a historical moment in our history to change the role models of our Black youth and for us to live the dream of Dr. King! Right? To an extent this was the case. When did I see the Black citizens you ask? I saw them at the rallies and festivals and of course the inauguration, with a sandwich board on their chest full of Obama buttons, an arm covered in "Yes We Can" t-shirts and tables for miles of Obama merchandise. I was disheartened to see how we were so few in numbers to volunteer and work to get Obama elected; but arriving in droves to get a quick and easy dollar and sell, sell, sell. I won't ignore those HBCU's, black civic leagues and churches who helped to get the Black vote out, but the numbers of brothers and sisters who came to stack that bread up were mind blowing. I'm not a hater, I think its great people are putting food on the table and paying bills, I just wish this same enthusiasm and creativity was utilized when Obama needed it the most. When I first heard about Obama running for President, I couldn't wait to be a part of history, there was no way I would've missed it for the world (even if it meant quitting my high paying job and working long hours) I can honestly say I would do it all over again. It is important that we support each other in achieving our goals and think collectively and not just be in it for ourselves. Who knows what else is in store for Black Americans if we work along with each other.
1 comment:
The funny thing is, If President Obama had lost the election, our black citizens would have been going the hell off. U are so right, and like Biggie said, "we change the world if we dont change ourselves first."
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