Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
FUCK this blog!
This is it for me yall, I hate this boring shit. Blogging is not for me, Thanks to those of you who visited! Have a good life! PEACE...
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Finally some real snow...
Saturday, February 14, 2009

The center console in the front, the partition screen that is available as an option for the Maybach Zeppelin 62, plus the silver champagne flutes included as standard are all marked with the lettering "MAYBACH ZEPPELIN", while the door sill panels as well as the key ring are engraved with the word "ZEPPELIN".
The new Maybach Zeppelin goes on sale on 3 March 2009, with the first models expected to be delivered to customers in September 2009. The Maybach 57 Zeppelin costs $406,000, the Maybach 62 Zeppelin has a price tag of $473,200. The perfume atomiser that is exclusive to the Zeppelin can be ordered for an extra $3950.
Nice Bentley Arnage in Carytown today!

So today is February 14th, AWWWW. How sweet. To some it's a day of professing love, and showing your desire and passion for someone. To me, it's doing sh*t people should have been doing throughout the whole relationship. I think it should be called TIT FOR TAT DAY. That sounds a lot more suitable. Today is a day of pressure and obligations. The man (or the masculine partner) goes out with no clue what he's doing to buy some random cute, fuzzy, sweet, sparkly or thoughtful gift, the woman (or feminine partner) goes out and possibly buys a gift but also prepares to provide some sexual favors, tricks and freaky performances. If one of the two parties does not provide what is expected. There's going to be a problem. This Tit for Tat day is really for women in my opinion. It's a day for them to show their family who probably hates their boyfriend or husband, or their nosey friends that they are actually loved and they can prove it by the nappy looking teddy bear and the hollow tennis bracelet their boyfriend got from the Indian guy's kiosk in the mall. I just hope after this wonderful day the men keep living up to their woman's high expectations of being a great lover, communicator, provider, and being faithful. While the women lives up to his expectations of giving him his space, supporting his dreams and aspirations, staying beautiful, knowing when to shut up and of course, being faithful as well. For the lovers, and I mean the REAL lovers. This should be just an ordinary day nothing too unusual to go out of each others way to make them feel special and loved. So if you have a Valentine, not a Trick or a Sugar Daddy/Mama, enjoy your day and evening. If not, be happy you don't have the drama, just hang out with a friend or go clubbing. Or hit up a strip joint if that's your type of thing. LOL
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Random moment (Turn your speakers up)
Funniest Shit! My mom was cooking for us and tripped over the dog, listen to how she screams!

She slaps him across the face, He jabs her in the eye. Does this sound like an equal match?? H@ll NO!! I'm not even talking about Chris and Rihhanna or however you spell it. I'm just talking about the uneven distribution of power in black relationships. No two people on this earth, in my opinion have more pride than these two intriguging species. Black women are taught to be outspoken and no nonsense, black men are taught to defend their pride, ego and manhood, at all cost and in all situations. This is a very dangerous combination. So who's job is it to let up and just let things slide? Now, some of us know what it's like to be cheated on or have suspected a cheating lover before. There isn't away to describe that anger, hurt and disgust, it's awful; almost inhuman. The first thing you want to do is to kick, choke, slap and punch, and ask questions later. In most cases that is exactly what is done, and in a females case if she does that she is putting herself at risk of being cheated on and knocked the f*ck out, all in the same night..and that has to be the worst! I think that is some b.s. Men know their blows are in most cases stronger and a females, "love taps" cant measure up to 200 lbs of force, fist and testosterone coming towards her mouth, nose, eyes and cheekbones. This whole domestic dispute between these two R&B superstars has begun a rush of Battle of the Sexes arguments about when or whether or not its justified to hit a woman. If I hear one more man say a woman's hits hurt him really bad or, it's an automatic reaction I'm going to revoke his scrotum and testes because he is obviously a b-i-t-c-h (female dog in heat) who can't control himself. Period. So if anyone wants to comment, come with it. I'm an outspoken Black Woman (lol) ready for whatever slick b.s. someone wants to throw at it. Lets have some healthy dialogue.
Daitron's Daughters
Look everybody, I am trying to pressure my daughters into saying nice things about me....It's not working! (If u listen closely, you can hear me telling the youngest what to say, because she would have said all types of mean shit!)
Fountain Construction *Paid Advertisement

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Their high standards and their impeccable reputations qualified them to join in setting a higher standard for the pool building industry. Their ability to share their knowledge and talents gives all Richmond homeowners a definitive desire to become pool owners. Call Fountain Pools & Concrete today! 804-883-6062
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Say it aint so......

So hello everyone, I am sitting on my couch tripping right now. I dont pay much attention to celebrity gossip as some might call it, but Chris Brown is caught up in a situation right now, and its kinda hard to take sides simply because non of us know the REAL story. Many sights like Mediafakeout.com and bossip.com as well as TMZ.com are trying very hard to ruin Chris' career. Now granted, i too come from a family where my mother was abused physically when my brother and I were really small, so I know that it is wrong in any case to abuse a woman, be it emotionally, verbally or physically. I can admit I have caused emotional abuse to a girl that I loved , and i can honestly say that it does just as much damage is the physical abuse. But i want some feed back on this. I would like to know about this situation & how you feel about Chrianna. Please comment below.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Obama....MLK's Dream or a Bootleggers Big Break?

INTRODUCING KINLEE for Political Scoop!
So this summer I worked on a national campaign to get new voters registered and in the fall I knocked on doors and made phone calls to get people to vote for President Obama. Great. People working for a cause. Just one problem 95.5% of the people working on this campaign were...White. I mean don't get me wrong, it was a beautiful thing to see White citizens young and old working hard night and day to get the vote out for Obama. What I kept looking for was the Black people, grant it, they were present but the ratio was 20:1, literally. This was a historical moment in our history to change the role models of our Black youth and for us to live the dream of Dr. King! Right? To an extent this was the case. When did I see the Black citizens you ask? I saw them at the rallies and festivals and of course the inauguration, with a sandwich board on their chest full of Obama buttons, an arm covered in "Yes We Can" t-shirts and tables for miles of Obama merchandise. I was disheartened to see how we were so few in numbers to volunteer and work to get Obama elected; but arriving in droves to get a quick and easy dollar and sell, sell, sell. I won't ignore those HBCU's, black civic leagues and churches who helped to get the Black vote out, but the numbers of brothers and sisters who came to stack that bread up were mind blowing. I'm not a hater, I think its great people are putting food on the table and paying bills, I just wish this same enthusiasm and creativity was utilized when Obama needed it the most. When I first heard about Obama running for President, I couldn't wait to be a part of history, there was no way I would've missed it for the world (even if it meant quitting my high paying job and working long hours) I can honestly say I would do it all over again. It is important that we support each other in achieving our goals and think collectively and not just be in it for ourselves. Who knows what else is in store for Black Americans if we work along with each other.
Toshiba TG01 Phone...NEW.....

Toshiba introduced the 9.9mm thin TG01 mobile instantly creating some tumult with a 4.1-inch WVGA touchscreen powered by the powerful 1GHz Snapdragon chip which claims to be “significantly faster then any comparable device”, according to Toshiba. However, the fashionable slim device features anything to serve the demanding mind including GPS, WiFi, HSDPA, GPS, Bluetooth, USB 2.0, a 3.2 megapixel camera, a microSD slot and an engaging Tosh 3D Windows Mobile 6.1 GUI - a definitely attracting device.
New Biggie Action figures....
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